Thermal Insulation of the home and how it helps you.

Thermal Insulation of the home and how it helps you.

Thermal Insulation of the home and how it helps you.
Does it work?, really work?. ..Yes,  it does if the correct roof insulation materials are used and correctly installed, then there is a definite improvement, without a doubt. I have been installing ceiling and roof insulation for 10 years now, but I remember in the early days of installing the insulation when I really realised just how effective it can be. Two jobs that we did really highlighted just how effective the ceiling insulation is.

The first, is the ceiling insulation of an open-plan office for administrative personnel of a well-known domestic production company based in Durban. The ceiling was the standard suspended ceiling with the usual lights and air conditioning ducts, the area was about 300m2. 

The task was to insulate the area while the staff continued with their daily duties and functions, a little difficult but it could be done. The ceiling insulation was so effective, that in the area we had just insulated. some staff members who were in the area we had done, started complaining that the air conditioning was too cold. We had only completed 50% of the area and the effects on the insulation performance was noticed and felt.

The other incident was in the colder climates. I was asked by an elderly couple to inspect their home in Merrivale (Near Howick) in the midlands of Kwa Zulu Natal. They could not get comfortable with the cold nights and cold days of winter. They had recently moved up to Merrivale from Pietermaritzburg, from the warm to the colder area.

They had purchased the property and the previous owner had bragged about how comfortable the home was in summer and winter due to the ceiling insulation that had been put in This apparently was one of the reasons that they bought the place, to their dismay the winter months were too cold. Despite using the heaters and coal stoves, the building remained cold, their jerseys had to be worn all the time from late afternoon.

The site visit revealed that the ceiling insulation had been poorly installed and there was insufficient insulation to make an improvement against the cold or the summer heat. We sorted out the poor installation and added more ceiling insulation to the ceiling attic. A few weeks later, I received an email from the happy couple. A huge improvement, they could move around the house at night in short-sleeved shirts.

There are many such stories and I am sure that there are many companies that have similar tales to tell. Research on the subject will provide a host of websites and blogs on the good, the bad and just too many technical details on the ceiling and roof insulation materials. 

The majority, of available insulation materials are of similar standards and have similar R values, with each product toting their capabilities over that of their competition.

Claims are made that installing insulation will save costs on electrical usage up to 30%. It is only if you research further that it starts to become apparent that there is more to this, than simply purchasing it and installing it.

As mentioned previously, the correct material installed correctly will provide the desired result. For your convenience, there is more details on the methods of insulating your home, please follow the links below.

ceiling and roof insulation materials.

correct roof insulation materials  – –


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